This month children may increase their walking speed, they might walk backwards for a few steps, and can likely climb up and down from furniture like beds and chairs. However, they sometimes fall when climbing, due to incorrectly estimating the height of the furniture.
The child’s capacity to imitate continues to improve, and they can now imitate an action that they saw in the recent past (deferred imitation). They also use their imitation skills to try to say the name of loved ones, although they can’t yet produce all sounds. They are much more interested in the conversations of people around them, and they enjoy music. This is a great time to introduce dancing if you haven’t already.
The child’s familiarity with their body has been increasing, and they may surprise you by pointing out the main parts of their body if you ask.
They are now able to help pick up their toys at the end of the day, or follow moderately complex one-step instructions.
Children at this age increasingly enjoy interactions with loved ones, and may even occasionally initiate social games such as playing with a ball. They also love to be the center of attention! If they discover an action that makes you or others laugh, they will probably repeat it several times.